English presentation
Presentación en español
Apresentação em português
MAXIMA SEGURIDAD CORP provides AID (Attack Indicators Deployed ) to strengthen the Cyber Defense of any organization, it is the perfect complement to reinforce cybersecurity solutions that are powered by IOC (Indicators of Compromise) provided by other providers.
AID Hunting is the result of the detection, analysis and verification of malicious payloads hosted in cyberspace, it is the product of the application of Cyber Intelligence and Advanced Threat Hunting, obtaining Attack Indicators Deployed (AID) to add them to security solutions. cybersecurity and be immune to 0day attacks.
The purpose of MAXIMA SEGURIDAD CORP's Cyber Intelligence is to obtain suspicious objects in cyberspace in the implementation phase, or that are deployed, or that keep the service asleep on a scheduled basis until launching a new campaign with day 0 malware, used in attacks aimed at the industrial, banking, retail and government sectors to compromise their security, having our intelligence allows them to prevent ransomware or cyberespionage attacks on the organization,
The capabilities of our Purple Team experts are unique as applied Advanced Cyber Intelligence and AID Hunting techniques are not within the reach of any course in cyberspace. Our direct competition is a Czech researcher who has similar capabilities.